Changes to hearing surveillance in the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention Programme

Mon, 18 May 2015

Changes to hearing surveillance in the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention Programme

Changes have been made to the newborn hearing screening programme policy on surveillance of babies who pass screening but have a risk factor for later onset or progressive hearing loss.
Evidence from larger screening programmes has shown that some previously specified 'risk factors' are poor indicators of later hearing loss, and these have been discontinued under the new surveillance protocols.

The changes, which also affect the process of referral and audiological surveillance guidelines, will be implemented in each DHB as part of wider changes aimed at improving the quality of the screening programme. DHBs are making the programme changes at various times between 1 April and 30 October this year.

The new criteria will apply retrospectively, however families will be given the option of keeping appointments/referrals that have been made under the old system.
More detail about the changes and the new risk factor list can be found in the attached information sheet.

Anna Maxwell
Senior Analyst, Service Development
Antenatal and Newborn Screening
National Screening Unit
National Services Purchasing
Ministry of Health
DDI: 09 580 9009
Fax: 09 580 9001

