NFD Hearing Loss ACC Regs Consultation response

Sun, 15 Dec 2013


The NZSOHNS response is still pending, but here is waht the NFD circulated (attached):


Hello Everyone

The attached response has been reviewed and commented on by Professor Peter Thorne, Karen Pullar HIMADA Chair, John Harwood Deputy Chair of NFD Council and ACC Claimant and Karen Allen President New Zealand Audiological Society. This will be released to ACC on Tuesday.

Kind regards

Louise Carroll

Louise Carroll QSO, JP, GDPPA, MPM
Chief Executive Officer
The National Foundation for the Deaf Inc.
PO Box 37729, Parnell, Auckland 1151
Mobile Ph: 021 076 6990
Ph: 09 3072922 or 0800867446
Fax: 09 3072923 or 0800332343

